
Regular Cannabis Seeds Overview – Online Shopping Guide – How to Buy Regular Cannabis Seeds

Regular cannabis seeds are a type of seed that has not been genetically altered or manipulated in any way. They are produced naturally through the pollination of a female cannabis plant by a male plant. These seeds are often referred to as “natural” or “regular” seeds, as opposed to feminized or autoflowering seeds, which have been specifically bred for specific traits.

Regular cannabis seeds are a popular choice for growers looking to produce their plants from scratch. They are also favored by those who want to breed their strains, as they provide a more authentic and natural starting point for the breeding process.

One of the benefits of regular cannabis seeds is that they produce both male and female plants. This can be an advantage for breeders who want to preserve the genetic diversity of a particular strain or create new hybrid strains by crossing two different plants. However, for growers who are only interested in producing buds (the female plant’s flower), this can also be a disadvantage, as male plants do not have buds and can take up valuable growing space.

Another benefit of regular cannabis seeds is that they tend to be more resilient and hardy than genetically altered seeds. This is because they have not been selectively bred for specific traits and therefore have a more balanced and natural genetic makeup. This makes them well suited to growing in various conditions, including outdoor and indoor growing environments.

However, there are also some disadvantages to regular cannabis seeds. One of the most significant disadvantages is that you can never be 100% certain what you will get, as the male-to-female ratio of the plants is unknown. This can result in a situation where you end up with too many male plants and not enough female plants, which can waste resources and time for the grower.

In conclusion, regular cannabis seeds can be a good choice for growers looking to produce their plants or breed their strains. They are also a more natural and authentic option for those who want to preserve the genetic diversity of a particular strain. However, growers need to be aware of the potential for an uneven male-to-female ratio, which can result in an inefficient use of resources.



  • – 100% Natural Genes
  • – Stable plants with each generation
  • – Result in balanced THC/CBD ratios
  • – Not genetically modified or altered
  • – Easy to germinate
  • – Unpredictable phenotypes
  • – 100% natural – no genetic alterations or manipulation
  • – Widely available from trusted local and online seed dealers
  • – Authentic genetics – you’ll get what you ordered


  • – Unbeatable quality of products
  • – Predictable and reliable growing results
  • – Perfect for both amateur and professional cultivators
  • – Perfect for beginner home growers who want a straightforward tasting and growing experience
  • – Great versatility of yields & flavors depending on the phenotype selected
  • – Satisfaction is guaranteed with results that closely follow the genetics of the strain
  • – Easily customize your cultivar
  • – Perfect for experienced growers looking to revise or improve existing strains
  • – More cost-effective option than feminized seeds



Regular Cannabis Seeds are cannabis seeds that have not been genetically altered or manipulated in any way. They’re created by cross-pollinating two related, naturally occurring plants over long periods until a desirable phenotype is achieved. The resulting product may be similar to the original parent plant, but it’s also likely to contain unique qualities and traits, something growers call “stability.”

Regular cannabis seeds are great for home growers of all experience levels as they are easy to germinate, require little to no special attention and care, and provide beautiful natural versions of each strain in the form of unpredictable phenotypes like nature intended.

Regular cannabis seeds are just as nature intended – utterly untouched by science. Completely natural, reliable, and authentic, regular cannabis seeds are widely available from trusted seed banks and online retailers, making them ideal for growers looking to produce their strain.

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